My Response to “There Will Come Soft Rains” — Rad Bradbury

Jordan Carpenter
1 min readJan 31, 2021


Man, I can say that this is a piece of literature that I have not yet experienced before and I am glad that I have now. The entire set-up, plot, overview of the story itself had me questioning every work, trying to analyze reasonings behind it, while still enjoying the piece of work itself. The described house is somewhere that I can’t even imagine living in — I mean tables being set and taken down for you, mice that clean ever nook and cranny, along with beds being made and heated for you? Completely insane! All of this being said, nothing beats a home. Family, friends, memories, interaction itself, all of these things were missing from such a grand environment and, as a result, we witnessed its demise. I really enjoyed this story — reminded me of a rollercoasters! #Dgst101

